Do you celebrate Easter? We do.
I have the girls dresses and sun hats all ready. I need to find them shoes but we're going to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny tomorrow so I'll find some there.
Can we talk about the Easter Bunny? My guess is it's going to be freak out central the minute they get near him. Scarlett will be cool about it, unsure but inquisitive. Lyla? Melt down city. She is going to freak the f out. I mean, scream at the top of her lungs, cling to Mama-lose it. I sincerely hope this is not the case and we can at least get our $20 photo and be on our merrily way. We'll have to see.
What do you eat on Easter in your house? Easter Saturday we do kielbasa and babka. (I'm totally 50% Polish so that's what we do. Crack a Polish joke and I crack yo ass.) Easter Sunday we'll go to Church and then have ham and pineapple and veggies along with about 4 different pies.
Easter also means it's the girls very first Easter. The very first time they'll be able to sit at the table in their high chairs and eat the same food we'll be eating. I'm excited about it in a way only a crazy person is.
Easter also brings me back to last year. The night before Easter (around 8pm), the husband and I went to a root beer stand. We got black cows and ice cream cones. I was about 29 weeks pregnant.
I was walking up to our apartment on the second floor and my flip flop slipped. I lost my footing and fell with into the top step. The top step has a metal beading across it. It felt like the world was in slow motion at that moment. The husband panicked and I just stood on the stairs with my back against the wall.
The girls were active but not so active leading up to this point. Probably because Scarlett took up all the room and she was being lazy at that point.
I start hyperventilating and sobbing. I start to lose any sense of myself that I had. I apologized furiously to my husband and my stomach for not watching every step I took like a hawk. I held my stomach and rubbed the sore part where the metal beading had slammed against. There was root beer and ice cream covering the landing in front of our door.
We went in the house and I called my OB. She asked if I felt movement. I told her I hadn't felt a movement since earlier that day so no, not even with the trauma of the fall did I feel a flutter. Heeding her advice, we rushed 40 minutes and a different state to the hospital that we had chosen to have the ladies at. I was hooked up immediately and found 2 fantastic little heartbeats.
They kept me overnight for observation but everything turned out fine.
I remember calling my parents and hearing my entire family sitting down for lunch as I was strapped to a hospital bed by an IV and 2 fetal heart monitors. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who ran home at 3 am (when I was finally put into my own room) and brought my lap top and 2 seasons of Weeds so we had something to do. It was really the only thing that saved my sanity that day.
I also had amazing women on a message board who prayed for me and the ladies. Who took time out of their day to worry about us and send thoughts to us. I never got to really say it but Thank You.